Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Three easy functions for manipulating data frames in R

I do a lot of basic manipulation of data, so here are two built-in functions ( transform , subset ) and one library ( sqldf ) that I use daily (this post originally appeared as an answer I gave on StackOverflow).

create sample sales data

sales <- expand.grid(country = c('USA', 'UK', 'FR'),
                     product = c(1, 2, 3))
sales$revenue <- rnorm(dim(sales)[1], mean=100, sd=10)

> sales
  country product   revenue
1     USA       1 108.45965
2      UK       1  97.07981
3      FR       1  99.66225
4     USA       2 100.34754
5      UK       2  87.12262
6      FR       2 112.86084
7     USA       3  95.87880
8      UK       3  96.43581
9      FR       3  94.59259

use transform() to add a column

## transform currency to euros
usd2eur <- 1.434
transform(sales, euro = revenue * usd2eur)


  country product   revenue     euro
1     USA       1 108.45965 155.5311
2      UK       1  97.07981 139.2125
3      FR       1  99.66225 142.9157

use subset() to slice the data

       country == 'USA' & product %in% c(1, 2),
       select = c('product', 'revenue'))

  product  revenue
1       1 108.4597
4       2 100.3475

use sqldf() to slice and aggregate with SQL

The sqldf package provides an SQL interface to R data frames

##  recast the previous subset() expression in SQL
sqldf('SELECT product, revenue FROM sales \
       WHERE country = "USA" \
       AND product IN (1,2)')

  product  revenue
1       1 108.4597
2       2 100.3475

Perform an aggregation or GROUP BY

sqldf('select country, sum(revenue) revenue \
       FROM sales \
       GROUP BY country')

  country  revenue
1      FR 307.1157
2      UK 280.6382
3     USA 304.6860

For more sophisticated map-reduce-like functionality on data frames, check out the plyr package. And if find yourself wanting to pull your hair out, I recommend checking out Data Manipulation with R.

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